Part information. Tacho Cluster.

Part information. Tacho Cluster.

Fishynos72 » 20 апр 2016

Hello all,

You guys seem to be far ahead of Australia when it comes to modifications.

I'm looking for a 2015 300KHP blue needle scirocco R instrument cluster with the 3d colour screen, Here is a photo of exactly what I'm searching for. Does anyone have a part number with this exact cluster?


300KPH, 2015 scirocco R blue needle with the 3D colour MFD.

The part numbers I'm working with so far.

1k8 920 875 E is scirocco R with blue needles, but seems to be only black and white MFD

1k8 920 885 E is scirocco R with blue needles and a colour 3d MFD but only seems to be 280KPH

somewhere there must be a different number

Any help is appreciated

Many thanks

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Part information. Tacho Cluster.

Yorhen » 20 апр 2016

Hi Jordan. You need
1K8 920 885 E (2015 my)
1K8 920 885 H (2016 my) (supports component protection)

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Имя: Юрий
Город: Москва
Автомобиль: VW Scirocco III
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Re: Part information. Tacho Cluster.

AlexAnikin » 20 апр 2016

Fishynos72 писал(а):Hello all,

You guys seem to be far ahead of Australia when it comes to modifications.

I'm looking for a 2015 300KHP blue needle scirocco R instrument cluster with the 3d colour screen, Here is a photo of exactly what I'm searching for. Does anyone have a part number with this exact cluster?


300KPH, 2015 scirocco R blue needle with the 3D colour MFD.

The part numbers I'm working with so far.

1k8 920 875 E is scirocco R with blue needles, but seems to be only black and white MFD

1k8 920 885 E is scirocco R with blue needles and a colour 3d MFD but only seems to be 280KPH

somewhere there must be a different number

Any help is appreciated

Many thanks


Jordan, you need only part number or to buy one? I think that one pf our guys ready to sell cluster you need.
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I место Самый интересный автомобиль 2016 года
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Город: Москва
Автомобиль: VW Scirocco III
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Цвет автомобиля: белый

Re: Part information. Tacho Cluster.

lp-san » 20 апр 2016

AlexAnikin писал(а):
Jordan, you need only part number or to buy one? I think that one pf our guys ready to sell cluster you need.

Topic author already contacted me, I hope we'll make a deal once I buy myself a new cluster. Thanks for care.
Сообщения: 2433
Зарегистрирован: 10.07.2014
Имя: Алессандро
Город: Москва
Автомобиль: Scirocco Rising Blue Facelifted
Объем двигателя: 2.0 л
Мощность (л.с.): 211
Цвет автомобиля: синий

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